like a chicken with its head cut off
- like a chicken with its head cut off
His idea of it was that he had been making a fool of himself, running around like a chicken with its head cut off—such was the simile that occurred to him.
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run around like a chicken with its head cut off — See: RUN AROUND IN CIRCLES … Dictionary of American idioms
run around like a chicken with its head cut off — See: RUN AROUND IN CIRCLES … Dictionary of American idioms
run around like a chicken with its head cut off — verb To act in a haphazard or aimless way; to act frantically or without control. The president doesnt know what to do. Hes running around like a chicken with its head cut off. See Also: like a chicken with its head cut off … Wiktionary
like a chicken with its head cut off — Meaning In a frenzied manner. Origin Poultry twitch and sometimes run around after decapitation … Meaning and origin of phrases
like a chicken with its head cut off — without direction, erratically, in a crazed or frenzied manner … English contemporary dictionary
run\ around\ like\ a\ chicken\ with\ its\ head\ cut\ off — See: run around in circles … Словарь американских идиом
cut off — I verb 1. make a break in (Freq. 8) We interrupt the program for the following messages • Syn: ↑interrupt, ↑disrupt, ↑break up • Derivationally related forms: ↑disruption … Useful english dictionary
chicken — chick|en1 [ tʃıkən ] noun ** 1. ) count a bird kept for its eggs and meat. The sound it makes is called clucking. The female chicken is called a hen and the male is called a rooster. A baby chicken is called a chick. a ) uncount the meat of a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
like a headless chicken — British, American if you do something like a headless chicken, you do it very quickly and without thinking carefully about what you are doing. I ve got so much work to do I ve been running around like a headless chicken all week. (usually in… … New idioms dictionary
chicken — 1) Term of endearnment for co worker, often used in its plural form in relation to team. Chickens, time for the meeting.... 2) Used to describe someone who runs around doing things, but doesn t understand why (running around like a chicken with… … Dictionary of american slang