
A person who carries a shield, especially a lower ranking person who carries it for a higher ranking person

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  • knight — knightless, adj. /nuyt/, n. 1. a mounted soldier serving under a feudal superior in the Middle Ages. 2. (in Europe in the Middle Ages) a man, usually of noble birth, who after an apprenticeship as page and squire was raised to honorable military… …   Universalium

  • Knight — /nuyt/, n. 1. Eric, 1897 1943, U.S. novelist, born in England. 2. Frank Hyneman /huy neuh meuhn/, 1885 1972, U.S. economist. * * * I French chevalier German Ritter In the European Middle Ages, a formally professed cavalryman, generally a vassal… …   Universalium

  • Bible Adventures — Infobox VG title=Bible Adventures caption= Box cover of Bible Adventures developer=Wisdom Tree publisher=Wisdom Tree designer= engine= released=1991 genre=Side scroller/Platform game modes=Single player ratings= platforms=NES/Famicom, Sega Mega… …   Wikipedia

  • Bend Sinister — is a 1947 dystopian novel written by Vladimir Nabokov.The titleA bend sinister is a heraldic device: a bar drawn from the upper left side of a shield (from the perspective of the shieldbearer) to the lower right. In the introduction Nabokov wrote …   Wikipedia

  • Star Wars Miniatures figure list — See also: Star Wars Miniatures .This is a list of all miniature figures currently available in Wizards of the Coast s tabletop game, Star Wars Miniatures. The list is organized first by date of release, then alphabetically by faction. Also given… …   Wikipedia

  • Röskva — is a person from Norse mythology who appears in Snorri s Edda . She is the bondservant of the god Thor, she is the sister of Þjálfi who acts as Thor s shieldbearer.The Prose Edda tells that when Thor visited her family, her brother Þjálfi crushed …   Wikipedia

  • Chariot tactics — Relief of early wagons on the Standard of Ur, ca. 2600 BCE …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Catterick — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Catraeth caption= partof= date=c. 600 place=Catterick, North Yorkshire result= combatant1=Votadini combatant2=Angles commander1= commander2= strength1= strength2= casualties1= casualties2=The Battle of …   Wikipedia

  • Giles — /juylz/, n. 1. Saint, 8th century A.D., Athenian hermit in France. 2. a male given name: from a Greek word meaning shieldbearer. * * * …   Universalium

  • equerry — [16] Nowadays in Britain simply royal attendants, equerries’ long and traditional association with the royal stables has led to association of the word equerry with Latin equus ‘horse’, but in fact the two are quite unrelated. Equerry originally… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

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