
a) Tending to prohibit, preclude, or disallow.

Some countries are more prohibitive than others when it comes to hot topics like euthanasia and cloning.

b) Costly to the extreme; beyond budget.

Id like to visit Europe someday, but the cost is prohibitive right now.

2. noun

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  • prohibitive — pro‧hib‧i‧tive [prəˈhɪbtɪv ǁ proʊ ] adjective FINANCE prohibitive costs, prices etc are very high, and people cannot afford them: • Given the resources of small companies, marketing costs can be prohibitive. • Disney started its own record label …   Financial and business terms

  • Prohibitive — Pro*hib it*ive, a. [Cf. F. prohibitif.] That prohibits; prohibitory; as, a tax whose effect is prohibitive. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prohibitive — [prō hib′ətôr΄ē, prə hib′ətôr΄ēprō hib′ə tiv, prəhib′ə tiv] adj. [Fr prohibitif < LL prohibitivus] 1. prohibiting or tending to prohibit something 2. such as to prevent purchase, use, etc. [prohibitive prices]: Also prohibitory [prō hib′ətôr΄ē …   English World dictionary

  • prohibitive — I (costly) adjective exorbitant, expensive, extortionate, extravagant, high priced, immoderate, inordinate, preposterous, unconscionable, undue, unreasonable, unwarranted II (restrictive) adjective deterrent, disallowing, disqualifying, exclusive …   Law dictionary

  • prohibitive — c.1600, having the quality of prohibiting, from PROHIBIT (Cf. prohibit) + IVE (Cf. ive). Of prices, rates, etc., so high as to prevent use, it is from 1886 …   Etymology dictionary

  • prohibitive — [adj] restrictive; beyond one’s financial means conditional, excessive, exorbitant, expensive, extortionate, forbidding, highpriced, limiting, preposterous, preventing, prohibiting, proscriptive, repressive, restraining, sky high*, steep*,… …   New thesaurus

  • prohibitive — ► ADJECTIVE 1) serving to forbid, restrict, or prevent. 2) (of a price or charge) excessively high. DERIVATIVES prohibitively adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • prohibitive — pro|hib|i|tive [prəˈhıbıtıv US prou ] adj 1.) prohibitive costs are so high that they prevent people from buying or doing something ▪ The cost of land in Tokyo is prohibitive. 2.) a prohibitive rule prevents people from doing things ▪ prohibitive …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • prohibitive — adjective 1 prohibitive prices are so high that they prevent people from buying something: The cost of land in Tokyo is prohibitive. 2 a prohibitive tax or rule prevents people from doing things: a prohibitive tax on imports prohibitively adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • prohibitive — pro|hib|i|tive [ prou hıbıtıv ] adjective 1. ) a prohibitive cost or price prevents people from buying something because it is too expensive: The cost of conversion to western technology would be prohibitive. 2. ) limiting something, or… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • prohibitive — [[t]prəhɪ̱bɪtɪv, AM proʊ [/t]] ADJ GRADED If the cost of something is prohibitive, it is so high that many people cannot afford it. [FORMAL] The cost of private treatment can be prohibitive. ...the prohibitive prices charged for seats at the… …   English dictionary

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