
a) To make into a non-labial sound.

the resulting labial vowels were soon delabialized into e and ē.

b) To become a non-labial sound.

/gw/ may delabialize to /g/.

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  • delabialize — /dee lay bee euh luyz /, v., delabialized, delabializing. Phonet. v.t. 1. to deprive (a sound) of labial character, as in unrounding a vowel. v.i. 2. (of a speech sound) to lose its labial character. [1870 75; DE + LABIALIZE] * * * …   Universalium

  • delabialize — /dee lay bee euh luyz /, v., delabialized, delabializing. Phonet. v.t. 1. to deprive (a sound) of labial character, as in unrounding a vowel. v.i. 2. (of a speech sound) to lose its labial character. [1870 75; DE + LABIALIZE] …   Useful english dictionary

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