water break

water break
A rest period during the business day (usually of about 10 or 15 minutes). So named because it is an opportunity to get water.

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  • water break — noun A stretch of water where the current is broken • • • Main Entry: ↑water …   Useful english dictionary

  • water-break — noun 1. : a place in a brook where the surface of the water is broken by irregularities on the bottom 2. : a structure (as a breakwater) for deflecting or breaking the force of moving water …   Useful english dictionary

  • Water stop (disambiguation) — Water stop may mean:*Water stop *Waterstop, a watertight structure *Water stop (sports) or water break, a break and a place to break for drinking water in some sports competitions, such as various long distance types of running * Water Stop , a… …   Wikipedia

  • Water stop (sports) — A water stop is a break and a place to break for drinking water in sports events (sports competitions or training) for some types of sports, such as various long distance types of running (e.g., marathon), cycling, etc. Similarly, a water break… …   Wikipedia

  • break-water — ⇒BREA(C)K WATER, (BREAK WATER, BREACK WATER)subst. masc. MAR. Brise lame(s), notamment en forme de jetée : • ... les calculs de Stevenson établissent que, contre la vague, élastique elle même, un assemblage de bois, d une dimension voulue,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • break — vb Break, crack, burst, bust, snap, shatter, shiver are comparable as general terms meaning fundamentally to come apart or cause to come apart. Break basically implies the operation of a stress or strain that will cause a rupture, a fracture, a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • break — [brāk] vt. broke, broken, breaking [ME breken < OE brecan < IE base * bhreg > BREACH, BREECH, Ger brechen, L frangere] 1. to cause to come apart by force; split or crack sharply into pieces; smash; burst 2. a) …   English World dictionary

  • Water heating — is a thermodynamic process using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature. Typical domestic uses of hot water are for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space heating. In industry, both hot water and water heated to steam have… …   Wikipedia

  • Water polo — is a team water sport. A team consists of six field players and one goalkeeper. The winner of the game is the team that scores more goals. Gameplay involves swimming, players passing the ball while being defended by opponents, and scoring by… …   Wikipedia

  • Water conservation — refers to reducing the use of water.The goals of water conservation efforts include: * Sustainability To ensure availability for future generations, the withdrawal of fresh water from an ecosystem should not exceed its natural replacement rate. * …   Wikipedia

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