
Of a contractual obligation either to take delivery of contracted goods or services or to make a specified payment.

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  • take-or-pay — ˌtake or ˈpay adjective [only before a noun] COMMERCE a take or pay agreement is one in which a customer agrees to buy a particular quantity of goods at a particular price over a particular period of time. If the customer does not buy the goods… …   Financial and business terms

  • take-home pay — ➔ pay1 * * * take home pay UK US noun [U] ( also take home, also take home income) ► HR, WORKPLACE the amount of money that you earn each month after tax, etc. has been taken away: »Non mortgage debt payments shouldn t exceed 10 to 15% of m …   Financial and business terms

  • take or pay — USA The provision in a contract between a seller and a buyer or, in a project finance transaction between the project company and the offtaker, that creates an unconditional obligation on the part of the buyer or offtaker to pay for a product or… …   Law dictionary

  • take-or-pay — USA The provision in a contract between a seller and a buyer or, in a project finance transaction between the project company and the offtaker, that creates an unconditional obligation on the part of the buyer or offtaker to pay for a product or… …   Law dictionary

  • take-home pay — take home ,pay noun uncount the amount of pay that you receive after taxes and other amounts have been taken away …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • take-home pay — ► NOUN ▪ the pay received by an employee after the deduction of tax and insurance …   English terms dictionary

  • take-home pay — take home .pay n [U] the amount of money that you receive from your job after taxes etc have been taken out …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • take-home pay — take′ home pay n. the amount of salary less deductions …   From formal English to slang

  • take-home pay — ☆ take home pay [tāk′hōm΄ ] n. wages or salary after deductions for income tax, social security, etc. have been made …   English World dictionary

  • take-home pay — noun what is left of your pay after deductions for taxes and dues and insurance etc • Hypernyms: ↑wage, ↑pay, ↑earnings, ↑remuneration, ↑salary * * * noun also take home ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Take-Home Pay — The money that an individual actually receives from working after employment taxes and the cost of benefits and retirement contributions are subtracted. Take home pay is calculated by taking an individual’s monthly gross income and… …   Investment dictionary

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