Brachiation — (from limb or branch ) is a form of arboreal locomotion in which primates swing from tree limb to tree limb using only their arms. Brachiators The only true brachiators are the lesser apes (gibbons and siamangs). A gibbon can brachiate at speeds… … Wikipedia
brachiation — [ brakjasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1964; probablt angl. brachiation (1889); du lat. brachium « bras » ♦ Zool. Mode de déplacement de certains singes arboricoles à l aide des bras par balancement de branche en branche. ● brachiation nom féminin Mode de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Brachiation — La brachiation est la manière dont se déplacent certains singes en se balançant d une branche à l autre à l aide des bras. Portail des mammifères Catégories : LocomotionSinge … Wikipédia en Français
brachiation — noun see brachiate … New Collegiate Dictionary
brachiation — /bray kee ay sheuhn, brak ee /, n. Zool. locomotion accomplished by swinging by the arms from one hold to another. [BRACHIATE + ION] * * * ▪ animal behaviour in animal behaviour, specialized form of arboreal locomotion in which movement is… … Universalium
brachiation — bra·chi·a·tion (bra″ke aґshən) [brachi + ation suffix implying action] locomotion in a position of suspension by means of the hands and arms, as exhibited by monkeys when swinging from branch to branch … Medical dictionary
brachiation — n. process of branching out, process of putting forth arms … English contemporary dictionary
brachiation — brach·i·a·tion … English syllables
brachiation — bra•chi•a•tion [[t]ˌbreɪ kiˈeɪ ʃən, ˌbræk i [/t]] n. zool. locomotion accomplished by swinging by the arms from one hold to another bra′chi•a tor, n … From formal English to slang
brachiation — The act of swinging through the trees, such as performed by monkeys … Grandiloquent dictionary