
a) A savage who cuts off the heads of his enemies, and preserves them as trophies.

She was the best headhunter they had ever seen.

b) One who recruits senior personnel for a company.

Thankfully, there arent many headhunters in the modern game.

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  • Headhunter — or head hunter is someone who engages in the cultural practice of headhunting.It can also refer to:;In economy * an informal name for an employment recruiter, sometimes referred to as Executive search.In the Military * a member of the 1st… …   Wikipedia

  • Headhunter — (englisch) bezeichnet: einen Kopfjäger einen Personalvermittler oder Personalberater, insbesondere für das leitende Management eine 1989 gegründete, deutsche Metal Band, siehe Headhunter (Band) ein dänischer Film von Rumle Hammerich aus dem Jahr… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Headhunter — Headhunter,der:⇨Abwerber …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • headhunter — (izg. hȅdhānter) m DEFINICIJA publ. 1. onaj koji je u potrazi za novim i sposobnim ljudima u nekoj struci 2. onaj koji nastoji uništiti snagu, položaje i utjecaje svoje konkurencije ili neprijatelja ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • headhunter — [hed′hunt΄ər] n. 1. a member of any of certain primitive peoples that remove the heads of slain enemies and preserve them as trophies ☆ 2. Slang an agent or agency specializing in the recruitment of executive or highly skilled personnel… …   English World dictionary

  • Headhunter — A corporation or individual that provides employment recruiting services. A headhunter is hired by firms to find talent, and to locate individuals who meet specific job requirements, such as an executive with 15 years experience in a certain… …   Investment dictionary

  • headhunter — headhunt head‧hunt [ˈhedhʌnt] verb [transitive] HUMAN RESOURCES to find a manager with the right skills and experience to do a particular job, often by persuading a suitable person to leave their present job: • Mr Birt was headhunted to be… …   Financial and business terms

  • Headhunter — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Un headhunter, en anglais, ou chasseur de tête en français, est une personne chargée de recruter des personnes dans différents contextes. Headhunter est… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Headhunter — Anwerber; Rekrutierer * * * Head|hun|ter 〈[ hɛ̣dhʌntə(r)] m. 3〉 Personalberater, der Führungskräfte für Unternehmen vermittelt; Sy Kopfjäger (2) [engl., „Kopfjäger“] * * * Head|hun|ter [ hɛd… ], der; s, [engl. headhunter, eigtl. = Kopfjäger, aus …   Universal-Lexikon

  • headhunter — UK [ˈhedˌhʌntə(r)] / US [ˈhedˌhʌntər] noun [countable] Word forms headhunter : singular headhunter plural headhunters a person or company who searches for good staff and tries to persuade them to leave their jobs and go to work for another… …   English dictionary

  • Headhunter — der Headhunter, (Aufbaustufe) Personalvermittler, insbesondere für das leitende Management Beispiel: Er arbeitet als Headhunter in einer Konkurrenzfirma und sucht einen neuen Kandidaten für den Posten des Generaldirektors …   Extremes Deutsch

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