
A poem that is believed to be a precursor or prototype to a more modern class of poetry. The term most usually references a hypothetical mother poem of a genre. Jerome McGann described the ur-poem as a work "whose existence is the Idea that can be abstracted out of all concrete and written texts which have ever existed or which ever will exist".

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  • poem — POÉM, poeme, s.n. 1. (Adesea fig.) Specie a poeziei epice, de întindere relativ mare, cu caracter eroic, filozofic, istoric, mitologic, legendar etc. ♢ Poem în proză = specie a prozei literare aparţinând genului liric, cultivată din a două… …   Dicționar Român

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  • POEM@home — Bereich: Biochemie Ziel: Analyse und Vorhersage der Proteinstruktur Betreiber: Karlsruher Institut für T …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Poem ohne Held — Poem ohne Held[1] (russisch Поэмa без героя / Poema bez geroja) ist eine als Triptychon konzipierte Versnovelle von Anna Achmatowa aus dem Jahr 1963[1]. Dieses Werk gilt gemeinhin als ihr Meisterwerk. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Poem — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Poem Álbum de estudio de Bridges Publicación Cancelado Grabación 1980 1981 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Poem for Rent — is a nonprofit project for arts distribution. This is done mainly by posting poems on bulletin boards, in the same format like standard house for rent posts, with several detachable tear offs in the bottom. One difference is that instead of a… …   Wikipedia

  • POEM@home — es un proyecto de computación distribuida de la Universidad de Karlsruhe y corre en la plataforma Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC). POEM modela el plegamiento proteico usando el dogma de Anfinsen. Objetivos científicos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Poem on the Evil Times of Edward II — also known as The Simonie and Symonie and Couetise , is a poem by an anonymous English author, believed to date to 1321 (Thomas Wright, 1839) or possibly 1327 (J. Aberth, 2000). It was a social protest poem that arose in the aftermath of the Gre …   Wikipedia

  • poem — [pō′əm] n. [MFr poeme < L poema < Gr poiēma, anything made, poem < poiein, to make < IE base * kwei , to heap up, build, make > Sans cinōti, (he) arranges, OSlav činiti, to arrange, form] 1. an arrangement of words written or… …   English World dictionary

  • Poem — Po em, n. [L. po[ e]ma, Gr. ?, fr. ? to make, to compose, to write, especially in verse: cf. F. po[ e]me.] 1. A metrical composition; a composition in verse written in certain measures, whether in blank verse or in rhyme, and characterized by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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