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Cedar — (engl.: Zeder) steht für Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Cedar (Arizona) Cedar (Idaho) Cedar (Indiana) Cedar (Iowa) Cedar (Kansas) Cedar (Maine) Cedar (Massachusetts) Cedar (Michigan) Cedar (Minnesota) Cedar (Oklahoma) Cedar (Utah) Sonstiges:… … Deutsch Wikipedia
CEDAR — (Heb. אֶרֶז, erez), the Cedrus libani. The cedar formerly covered extensive areas of the Lebanon mountains. In biblical times, potentates used cedar wood in the construction of palaces and other major buildings (cf. Isa. 9:9). The cedar was… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
cedar — ce dar (s[=e] d[ e]r), n. [AS. ceder, fr. L. cedrus, Gr. ke dros.] (Bot.) The name of several evergreen trees. The wood is remarkable for its durability and fragrant odor. [1913 Webster] Note: The cedar of Lebanon is the {Cedrus Libani}; the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cedar — cȅdar m <G dra, N mn dri> DEFINICIJA bot. zimzeleno stablo (Cedrus sp.) iz porodice borova (Pinaceae) [libanonski cedar; atlantski cedar; japanski cedar]; kedar ETIMOLOGIJA lat. cedrus ← grč. kédros … Hrvatski jezični portal
cedar — [sē′dər] n. [ME & OFr cedre < L cedrus < Gr kedros < ? IE base * ked , to smoke, be sooty] 1. any of a genus (Cedrus) of widespreading coniferous trees of the pine family, having clusters of needlelike leaves, cones, and durable wood… … English World dictionary
Cedar — Administration Pays Canada Province … Wikipédia en Français
Cedar — Cedar, 1) Grafschaft im südwestlichsten Theile des Staates Missouri der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, 20 QM.; Flüsse: Sac River u. Cedar u. Horse Creeks; Boden hügelig u. mäßig fruchtbar; Producte: Mais, Weizen, Hafer, Rindvieh, Schweine;… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Cedar — Cedar, KS U.S. city in Kansas Population (2000): 26 Housing Units (2000): 17 Land area (2000): 0.176617 sq. miles (0.457437 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.176617 sq. miles (0.457437 sq. km)… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Cedar, KS — U.S. city in Kansas Population (2000): 26 Housing Units (2000): 17 Land area (2000): 0.176617 sq. miles (0.457437 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.176617 sq. miles (0.457437 sq. km) FIPS code:… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
cedar — O.E. ceder, blended in M.E. with O.Fr. cedre, from L. cedrus, from Gk. kedros cedar, juniper, origin uncertain. Cedar oil was used by the Egyptians in embalming as a preservative against decay and the word for it was used figuratively for… … Etymology dictionary
Cedar — Ce dar, a. Of or pertaining to cedar. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English