- charnel
- 1. noun2. adjectiveOf or relating to a charnel, deathlike, sepulchral.
He murmured to himself with dull despair,
Wikipedia foundation.
He murmured to himself with dull despair,
Wikipedia foundation.
charnel — charnel, elle [ ʃarnɛl ] adj. • XIe; lat. carnalis, de caro, carnis « chair » 1 ♦ Didact. Qui relève de la nature animale, de la chair (II), qui a trait aux choses du corps. ⇒ corporel, naturel. Un être charnel, de chair et de sang. Par ext. Du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
charnel — charnel, elle (char nèl, nê l ) adj. 1° Qui dépend de la chair. Appétit, plaisir charnel. Fig. Dont les pensées et le coeur sont attachés à la chair, en parlant des personnes. • Non, ces hommes charnels dont les coeurs s abandonnent à tout … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Charnel — Char nel, a. [F. charnel carnal, fleshly, fr. L. carnalis. See {Carnal}.] Containing the bodies of the dead. Charnel vaults. Milton. [1913 Webster] {Charnel house}, a tomb, vault, cemetery, or other place where the bones of the dead are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
charnel — CHARNEL, ELLE. adj. Qui est de la chair, qui appartient à la chair. Il n est guère d usage que dans ces phrases: Plaisir charnel. Appétit charnel. Copulation charnelle. [b]f♛/b] On dit aussi, Homme charnel, pour dire, Homme sensuel, par… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
Charnel — Char nel, n. A charnel house; a grave; a cemetery. [1913 Webster] In their proud charnel of Thermopyl[ae]. Byron. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
charnel — late 14c., from O.Fr. charnel (12c.) fleshly, from L.L. carnale graveyard, properly neut. of adjective carnalis (see CARNAL (Cf. carnal)). Glossed in O.E. as flæschus flesh house. Charnel house is attested from 1550s … Etymology dictionary
charnel — Charnel, [charn]elle. adj. Sensuel, adonné aux plaisirs de la chair. Homme charnel. plaisir charnel. On appelle, Copulation charnelle, L action de la generation … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
charnel — [chär′nəl] n. [OFr < LL carnale, graveyard; neut. of LL(Ec) carnalis, CARNAL] 1. Obs. a cemetery 2. a building or place where corpses or bones are deposited: in full charnel house adj. of, like, or fit for a charnel … English World dictionary
CHARNEL — ELLE. adj. Qui est de la chair, qui appartient à la chair. Il s emploie surtout dans ces phrases : Plaisir charnel. Appétit charnel. Copulation charnelle. Commerce charnel. Homme charnel, Homme sensuel, par opposition à Homme spirituel … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
charnel — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French carnel, charnel, probably alteration of charner, from Medieval Latin carnarium, from Latin carn , caro flesh more at carnal Date: 14th century a building or chamber in which bodies or bones are… … New Collegiate Dictionary
charnel — char•nel [[t]ˈtʃɑr nl[/t]] n. 1) charnel house 2) of, like, or fit for a charnel house • Etymology: 1350–1400; < MF < LL neut. of carnālis carnal … From formal English to slang