- video game console
A dedicated electronic device that is designed to play video games, especially in accompaniment with a television.
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Video Game Console — Video Game Console, Spielekonsole … Universal-Lexikon
Video game console — Part of a series on … Wikipedia
video game console — vaizdo žaidimų pultas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Visuma elektroninių ↑įtaisų, skirtų ↑vaizdo žaidimams žaisti. Išvedimo įrenginys paprastai yra atskiras televizorius arba kompiuterio ↑monitorius, o įvedimo įrenginys – ↑vaizdo… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Video game console emulator — Not to be confused with Terminal emulator. A video game console emulator is a program that allows a computer or modern console (cross console emulation) to emulate a different video game console s behavior. Emulators are most often used to play… … Wikipedia
video game console — noun → game console …
List of video game console emulators — This is a selected list of video game system emulators. For information about emulating specific systems, including those not covered by the emulators in this list, see the respective article for each system. Contents 1 Arcade 2 Atari 2.1 Atari… … Wikipedia
NEMO (video game console) — For other uses, see Nemo (disambiguation). The NEMO, also known as Control Vision, was an unreleased video game console developed by Tom Zito. It was notable for using VHS tapes rather than cartridges. Contents 1 History 2 Legacy 3 Sources … Wikipedia
Dina (video game console) — The Dina is a video game console originally manufactured by Bit Corporation, later sold in the United States by Telegames as the Telegames Personal Arcade. It is a clone of the ColecoVision and the Sega SG 1000 consoles, with one cartridge slot… … Wikipedia
Timeline of video game console releases in North America — A timeline of video game console releases in North America. See also History of video games … Wikipedia
video games console — noun A video game console … Wiktionary