- acetylenic
Of or pertaining to acetylene or its derivatives; having a carbon-to-carbon triple bond
Wikipedia foundation.
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acetylenic hydrocarbon — alkinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Alifatinis angliavandenilis, turintis trigubąjį ryšį. atitikmenys: angl. acetylenic hydrocarbon; alkyne rus. алкин; ацетиленовый углеводород ryšiai: sinonimas – acetileninis angliavandenilis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
acetylenic — adjective see acetylene … New Collegiate Dictionary
acetylenic — See acetylene. * * * … Universalium
acetylenic — acet·y·le·nic … English syllables
acetylenic — adjective of or related to acetylene • Pertains to noun: ↑acetylene • Derivationally related forms: ↑acetylene … Useful english dictionary
acetylene — acetylenic /euh set l en ik/, adj. /euh set l een , in/, n. Chem. a colorless gas, C2H2, having an etherlike odor, produced usually by the action of water on calcium carbide or by pyrolysis of natural gas: used esp. in metal cutting and welding,… … Universalium
Jones oxidation — The Jones oxidation is a chemical reaction described as the chromic acid oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols to carboxylic acids and ketones, respectively. [cite journal | author = Bowden, K.; Heilbron, I. M.; Jones, E. R. H | journal = J … Wikipedia
Allotropes of carbon — Eight allotropes of carbon: a) Diamond, b) Graphite, c) Lonsdaleite, d) C60 (Buckminsterfullerene or buckyball), e) C540, f) C70, g) Amorphous carbon, and h) single walled carbon nanotube or buckytube. This is a list of the allotropes of carb … Wikipedia
Alkyne trimerisation — An alkyne trimerisation reaction is a 2+2+2 cyclization reaction in which three alkyne molecules react to form an aromatic compound. The reaction is pseudo pericyclic since it has not been observed to occur without the assistance of metal… … Wikipedia
Polyyne — The polyynes are a group of organic compounds with alternating single and triple bonds. The simplest example is diacetylene or buta 1,3 diyne, HC≡C C≡CH. Along with cumulenes, polyynes are distinguished from other organic chains by their rigidity … Wikipedia