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Proto-Bantu — Das Proto Bantu ist die rekonstruierte Ursprache aller Bantusprachen. Carl Meinhof veröffentlichte als erster dazu 1899 seinen Grundriß einer Lautlehre der Bantusprachen nebst Anleitung zur Aufnahme von Bantusprachen . Malcolm Guthries… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bantu languages — Bantu Geographic distribution: Subsaharan Africa, mostly Southern Hemisphere Linguistic classification: Niger–Congo Atlantic–Congo Benue–Congo Bantoid … Wikipedia
Proto-bantou — Langues filles langues bantoues Classification par famille langues nigéro congolaises … Wikipédia en Français
Bantu-Sprachen — Die Bantusprachen bilden eine Untergruppe des Volta Kongo Zweigs der afrikanischen Niger Kongo Sprachen. Es gibt etwa 500 Bantusprachen, die von ca. 200 Mio. Menschen gesprochen werden. Sie sind im gesamten mittleren und südlichen Afrika… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bantu peoples — ethnic group group=Bantu poptime= popplace=Sub Saharan Africa rels= langs= Bantu languages related=Bantu is the name of a large category of African languages. It also is used as a general label for over 400 ethnic groups in Sub Saharan Africa,… … Wikipedia
Bantu expansion — The Bantu expansion was a millennia long series of migrations of speakers of the original proto Bantu language group. This group is hypothesized to have originated from the southwestern border of modern Nigeria and Cameroon. A diffusion of… … Wikipedia
Proto-language — *A proto language is a language which was the common ancestor of related languages that form a language family. *In historical linguistics, a synonymous term proposed language [redirected here] is a language for which no direct evidence exists,… … Wikipedia
Somali Bantu — Bantu (Somalia) Bantu farmers near Kismayo. Total population 80,000[1]–900,000[ … Wikipedia
Expansión bantú — Teoría de la expansión bantú a partir del golfo de Guinea. La expansión bantú es el proceso histórico cultural de difusión de lenguas y migración de pueblos, que eran hablantes de lenguas bantúes, ocurrido en África central y meridional. Dicha… … Wikipedia Español
Sesotho nouns — Notes: *The orthography used in this and related articles is that of South Africa, not Lesotho. For a discussion of the differences between the two see the notes on Sesotho orthography. *Hovering the mouse cursor over most H:title| [ɪ talɪk] |… … Wikipedia