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Holophrasis — is the prelinguistic use of a single word to express a complex idea. A holophrase may resemble an interjection, but whereas an interjection is linguistic, and has a specific grammatical function, a holophrase is simply a vocalization memorized by … Wikipedia
holophrasis — /heuh lof reuh sis/, n., pl. holophrases / seez /. the expression of the ideas of a phrase or sentence in one word; polysynthesis: a language characterized by holophrasis. [1865 70; HOLO + Gk phrásis; see PHRASE] * * * … Universalium
holophrasis — ho·loph·ra·sis … English syllables
holophrasis — … Useful english dictionary
holophrastic — /hol euh fras tik, hoh leuh /, adj. 1. using or consisting of a single word that functions as a phrase or sentence. 2. characterized by holophrasis; polysynthetic: a holophrastic language. [1855 60; HOLO + phrastic; see PERIPHRASTIC] * * * … Universalium
holophrastic — adjective a) Consisting of a single word, such as Go. or Whatever. b) Pertaining to the stage of development where a child produces simple one word utterances. See Also: holophrasis … Wiktionary
holophrase — n. single word expressing complex idea. ♦ holophrasis, n. use of holophrase. ♦ holophrastic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
holophrase — ˈhaləˌfrāz, ˈhōl noun Etymology: hol + phrase : a single word expressing a complex of ideas; also : holophrasis … Useful english dictionary
holophrastic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|frastik adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary hol + phrastic (from Greek phrastikos expressive, from phrazein to express) more at phrase : of or relating to holophrasis : equivalent to a whole phrase : expressing a… … Useful english dictionary