- British
- 1. noun /ˈbɹɪt.ɪʃ/a) With the, the citizens or inhabitants of Britain collectively.b) With the, the citizens or inhabitants of the United Kingdom collectively.2. adjective /ˈbɹɪt.ɪʃ/b) Of the United Kingdom.
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British — may refer to:* British people, or Britons , inhabitants of Great Britain, the United Kingdom, or associated territories (to understand these distinctions, see Terminology of the British Isles) ** Britons (historic), sometimes Brythons , ancient… … Wikipedia
British — Brit ish (br[i^]t [i^]sh), a. [AS. Brittisc, Bryttisc.] Of or pertaining to Great Britain or to its inhabitants; sometimes restricted to the original inhabitants. [1913 Webster] {British gum}, a brownish substance, very soluble in cold water,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
british — [bʀitiʃ] n. et adj. ÉTYM. XXe; mot angl., « britannique ». ❖ ♦ Fam. Anglais, anglaise. || Les British. ⇒ Angliche. Adj. || Un style très british. ♦ N. m. L anglais, tel qu il … Encyclopédie Universelle
British — [brit′ish] adj. [ME Brittish < OE Bryttisc < Bret, pl. Bryttas, name of the Celt inhabitants of Britain; of Celt orig.] 1. of or pertaining to the ancient Britons 2. of Great Britain or its people, language, or culture 3. of the… … English World dictionary
British — O.E. Bryttisc of or relating to (ancient) Britons, from Bryttas natives of ancient Britain (see BRITON (Cf. Briton)). First modern record of British Isles is from 1620s … Etymology dictionary
British — Brit ish, n. pl. People of Great Britain. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
british — /ˈbritiʃ, ingl. ˈbrɪtɪʃ/ agg. inv. britannico, inglese … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
British — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom. DERIVATIVES Britishness noun. ORIGIN Old English, from Latin Britto or Celtic … English terms dictionary
British — Britishly, adv. Britishness, n. /brit ish/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to Great Britain or its inhabitants. 2. used esp. by natives or inhabitants of Great Britain: In this dictionary, Brit. is an abbreviation for British usage. n. 3. the people… … Universalium
British — (as used in expressions) British Broadcasting Corp. British Petroleum Co. PLC, British Airways British American Tobacco PLC British American Tobacco Company Ltd. (1902–76) British Columbia, University of British Invasion British North America Act … Enciclopedia Universal
British — adj. & n. adj. 1 of or relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom, or to its people or language. 2 of the British Commonwealth or (formerly) the British Empire (British subject). n. 1 (prec. by the; treated as pl.) the British people. 2 US … Useful english dictionary