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argentophilic proteins — argentophilic proteins. См. Ag белки. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
argentophilic — ar·gen·to·phil·ic är .jent ə fil ik also ar·gen·to·phil jent ə .fil or ar·gen·to·phile .fīl adj ARGYROPHILIC … Medical dictionary
argentophilic — ar·gen·to·phil·ic … English syllables
argentophilic — adjective see argentophil … Useful english dictionary
argentophilic cells — (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In aquatic larvae, specialized cells for ion uptake in the anal papillae or rectal gill … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Ag-белки — argentophilic proteins, AG proteins аргентофильные белки, Ag белки. Группа хромосомных негистоновых белков, связывающих гранулы серебра при применении метода серебрения; А.б. входят в состав ядрышкового организатора <nucleolar organizer>, а … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Superadditive developer — Photographic developer solutions may contain more than one developing agents, such as Metol and hydroquinone, or Phenidone and hydroquinone. This is because they work together to a synergistic effect, called superadditive… … Wikipedia
Disease — Illness or sickness often characterized by typical patient problems (symptoms) and physical findings (signs). Disruption sequence: The events that occur when a fetus that is developing normally is subjected to a destructive agent such as the… … Medical dictionary
Silver cyanide — Chembox new Name = Silver cyanide ImageFile = Silver cyanide.jpg ImageName = Silver cyanide IUPACName = Silver cyanide OtherNames = Argentous cyanide Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 506 64 9 RTECS = VW3850000 Section2 = Chembox Properties… … Wikipedia
506-64-9 — Cyanure d argent Cyanure d argent Général No CAS 506 64 9 N … Wikipédia en Français