
full of -, richly bearing seed

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  • seedful — ˈsēdfəl adjective : full of seed : generative his critical essays are as fruitful or one might rather call them seedful as any written in our time Malcolm Cowley …   Useful english dictionary

  • seedful — seed·ful …   English syllables

  • naked seed — noun A gymnosperm seed, which isnt enclosed in a plant ovary Most seedeaters have strong, typically shaped bills See Also: seedcake, seedcase, seed coat, seedeater, seeder, seed fern …   Wiktionary

  • hard-bill — noun A bird species which has a hard, strong bill, to feed (mainly) on seeds and/or nuts As the ultimate hard bills, woodpeckers even use their steel hard bill to drill homes in solid trees Syn: seedeater Ant: soft bill See A …   Wiktionary

  • fern seed — noun The asexual, dustlike spores of a fern which resemble seeds Superstition held fern seed renders one invisible See Also: seedcake, seedcase, seed coat, seedeater, seeder, seed fern …   Wiktionary

  • seed stock — noun a) A stock of seed The estates present seed stock comprises seedlings, bulbs and various nuts b) Any supply for planting in general Sustainable hunting and fishing cares as much for its seed stock as for catch or haul See Also: seedcake …   Wiktionary

  • seed coat — noun The protective outer cover of a seed See Also: seedcake, seedcase, seedeater, seeder, seed fern, seedful, seed leaf, seedling …   Wiktionary

  • seed vessel — noun The ripened and otherwise modified wall of a plant ovary Syn: pericarp See Also: seedcake, seedcase, seed coat, seedeater, seeder, seed fern …   Wiktionary

  • seed fern — noun A plant of the ancient order Cycadofilicales, which had fronds like a fern and naked seeds See Also: seedcake, seedcase, seed coat, seedeater, seeder, seedful, seed leaf, seedling …   Wiktionary

  • moonseed — noun A twining plant of the genus Menispermum, eponymous of the Menispermae or moonseed family The crescent shaped (hence their name) moonseeds bear black fruits See Also: moonbeam, moon blind, mooncalf, moon eyed, moonfish …   Wiktionary

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