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Shift — generally means to change (position). Shift may refer to: * Gear shift, to change gears in a car * Shift work, an employment practice * Shift (music), a change of level in music * Shift (magazine), a former Canadian technology and culture… … Wikipedia
Shift — steht für: die Umschalttaste beziehungsweise Hochstelltaste auf Tastaturen Schiften beim Segeln in der Fotografie als Shift Effekt, um Bilder perspektivisch zu entzerren, und Tilt und Shift Objektive, mit denen diese Aufgabe schon bei der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bit array — A bit array (or bitmap, in some cases) is an array data structure which compactly stores individual bits (boolean values). It implements a simple set data structure storing a subset of {1,2,..., n } and is effective at exploiting bit level… … Wikipedia
Bit field — A bit field is a common idiom used in computer programming to store a set of Boolean datatype flags compactly, as a series of bits. The bit field is stored in an integral type of known, fixed bit width. Each Boolean flag is stored in a separate… … Wikipedia
Bit bucket — The bit bucket is jargon for where lost computerized data has gone, by any means; any data which does not end up where it is supposed to, being lost in transmission, a computer crash, or the like is said to have gone to the bit bucket mdash; that … Wikipedia
Shift JIS — (also SJIS, MIME name Shift JIS) is a character encoding for the Japanese language originally developed by a Japanese company called ASCII Corporation in conjunction with Microsoft and standardized as JIS X 0208 Appendix 1. It is based on… … Wikipedia
Shift 2: Unleashed — European cover art Developer(s) Slightly Mad Studios Publisher(s) Electronic Arts … Wikipedia
Bit-banging — is a technique for serial communications to use software instead of dedicated hardware such as a UART or shift register. A software routine handles the UART transmit function by alternating a pin on the microcontroller by given time intervals. A… … Wikipedia
shift — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS inform. 1. nelle tastiere dei calcolatori elettronici, tasto, generalmente contrassegnato da una freccia rivolta verso l alto, che consente di scrivere in maiuscolo le singole lettere o di scrivere il carattere … Dizionario italiano
Shift register — In digital circuits a shift register is a group of flip flops set up in a linear fashion which have their inputs and outputs connected together in such a way that the data is shifted down the line when the circuit is activated. Shift registers… … Wikipedia