storage medium
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storage medium — noun a medium for storing information • Syn: ↑data storage medium • Hypernyms: ↑medium • Hyponyms: ↑magnetic storage medium, ↑magnetic medium, ↑magnetic storage … Useful english dictionary
storage medium — atmenioji terpė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. storage medium vok. Speichermedium, n rus. запоминающая среда, f pranc. milieu de mémorisation, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
storage medium — general term used to describe devices that store data in a computer (such as a disk) … English contemporary dictionary
magnetic storage medium — noun any storage medium in which different patterns of magnetization are used to represent stored bits or bytes of information the hard disk in you computer is magnetic storage • Syn: ↑magnetic medium, ↑magnetic storage • Hypernyms: ↑storage… … Useful english dictionary
data-storage medium — noun a medium for storing information • Syn: ↑storage medium • Hypernyms: ↑medium • Hyponyms: ↑magnetic storage medium, ↑magnetic medium, ↑magnetic storage … Useful english dictionary
medium — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 means of expressing/communicating sth ADJECTIVE ▪ advertising, broadcast, communication ▪ Radio is an important communication medium in many countries. ▪ mass ▪ … Collocations dictionary
storage — 1. The retention of data in any form, usually for the purpose of orderly retrieval and documentation. 2. A device consisting of electronic, electrostatic, electrical, hardware, or other elements into which data may be entered, and from which data … Military dictionary
Storage virtualization — refers to the process of abstracting logical storage from physical storage. The term is today used to describe this abstraction at any layer in the storage software and hardware stack.Key conceptsAddress space remappingVirtualization of storage… … Wikipedia
Medium — may refer to: Contents 1 Communication 2 Natural science 3 Entertainment … Wikipedia
Medium-chain triglycerides — (MCTs) are medium chain (6 to 12 carbons) fatty acid esters of glycerol. MCTs passively diffuse from the GI tract to the portal system (longer fatty acids are absorbed into the lymphatic system) without requirement for modification like long… … Wikipedia