Brass Monkey

Brass Monkey
a) An Australian lager beer.
b) A brand of inexpensive liquor.

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  • Brass monkey — is the name of various people and things. In several cases, the people and things were named after, or as an allusion to, the colloquial expression.*Brass monkey (colloquial expression), meaning something solid and inert that can only be affected …   Wikipedia

  • brass monkey — If it s brass monkey weather, or cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, it is extremely cold …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • brass\ monkey — British slang for very cold weather, short for colder than a brass monkey s tit. {Hmmm. And here I thought it was Colder than a witch s tit and Colder than the balls on a brass monkey.} How cold is it? It s brass monkey …   Dictionary of american slang

  • brass\ monkey — British slang for very cold weather, short for colder than a brass monkey s tit. {Hmmm. And here I thought it was Colder than a witch s tit and Colder than the balls on a brass monkey.} How cold is it? It s brass monkey …   Dictionary of american slang

  • brass monkey — /bras ˈmʌŋki/ (say brahs mungkee) phrase Colloquial 1. brass monkey weather, very cold weather. 2. cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, extremely cold. {US (mid 19th century); with reference to a monkey figurine made of brass,… …  

  • brass monkey —    If it s brass monkey weather, or cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, it is extremely cold.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Brass monkey —   If it s brass monkey weather, or cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, it is extremly cold …   Dictionary of English idioms

  • brass monkey — adjective Very cold. Its brass monkey weather today, isnt it? …   Wiktionary

  • brass monkey — I Australian Slang three balls that hang outside a pawn shop II Everyday English Slang in Ireland phr In reference to exceptionally cold weather It d freeze the balls off a brass monkey . III Glesga Glossary Junkie …   English dialects glossary

  • Brass Monkey (band) — Brass Monkey are an English folk band from the 1980s, who reunited in the late 1990s. They were innovative in their use of a brass section which was atypical for English folk music.The band originally consisted of Martin Carthy (vocals, guitar,… …   Wikipedia

  • brass monkey weather — variant UK US Main entry: brass monkeys * * * ˌbrass ˈmonkeys | ˌbrass ˈmonkey weather idiom (BrE, slang) i …   Useful english dictionary

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