percentage rate

percentage rate
A coefficient that is a quotient of two numbers, in which the denominator has the same units as that of the numerator multiplied by a unit of time and that is expressed in percentage points.

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  • Annual percentage rate — Parts of total cost and effective APR for a 12 month, 5% monthly interest, $100 loan paid off in equally sized monthly payments. The term annual percentage rate (APR), also called nominal APR, and the term effective APR, also called EAR,[1]… …   Wikipedia

  • annual percentage rate — noun : a measure of the annual percentage cost of consumer credit (as in installment buying or a charge account) that is required by law to appear on statements of credit accounts and is variously computed but always takes into consideration the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Annual Percentage Rate — ( APR) The APR is the interest rate figure that indicates the total cost of borrowing, including any charges. When you borrow money, every lender is required by law to quote this rate. The APR is the best way of comparing like with like. It was… …   Financial and business terms

  • annual percentage rate — ( APR) The total financing costs associated with a loan on an annualized basis, divided by the amount borrowed. As defined by Federal Reserve Regulation Z and the Truth in Lending Act, this is a precisely calculated measure of the cost of a loan …   Financial and business terms

  • annual percentage rate — A yearly interest rate that includes up front fees and costs paid to acquire the loan, calculated by taking the average compound interest rate over the term of the loan. Mortgage lenders are required to disclose the APR so that borrowers can more …   Law dictionary

  • annualised percentage rate — /ˌænjuəlaɪzd pə sentɪdʒ reɪt/ noun a yearly percentage rate, calculated by multiplying the monthly rate by twelve (NOTE: The annualised percentage rate is not as accurate as the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), which includes fees and other… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • annualized percentage rate — annual percentage rate or annualized percentage rate noun An interest percentage rate (as for hire purchase and loan agreements) calculated and expressed on an annual basis (abbrev APR) • • • Main Entry: ↑annual …   Useful english dictionary

  • annual percentage rate — (Banking) percentage rate of yearly interest on credit and loans (according to the law the lender must indicate the rate), APR …   English contemporary dictionary

  • annual percentage rate of charge — bendros vartojimo kredito kainos metinė norma statusas Aprobuotas sritis civilinė teisė ir procesas apibrėžtis Bendra vartojimo kredito kaina, išreikšta metiniu procentų dydžiu. atitikmenys: angl. annual percentage rate of charge vok. effektiver… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Annual Percentage Rate - APR — The annual rate that is charged for borrowing (or made by investing), expressed as a single percentage number that represents the actual yearly cost of funds over the term of a loan. This includes any fees or additional costs associated with the… …   Investment dictionary

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