- shorthanded
The tiny restaurant usually got by with three workers on that shift, but found itself shorthanded when the tour bus pulled in.
Wikipedia foundation.
The tiny restaurant usually got by with three workers on that shift, but found itself shorthanded when the tour bus pulled in.
Wikipedia foundation.
shorthanded — short‧hand‧ed [ˌʆɔːtˈhændd ǁ ˌʆɔːrt ] adjective HUMAN RESOURCES having fewer workers or helpers than you need: • We ll be shorthanded next month as five of my staff will be on holiday … Financial and business terms
shorthanded — {adj.} Understaffed; short on workers. * /With several employees gone for the holiday weekend and two dozen people in line, the rent a car agency suddenly found itself terribly shorthanded./ … Dictionary of American idioms
shorthanded — {adj.} Understaffed; short on workers. * /With several employees gone for the holiday weekend and two dozen people in line, the rent a car agency suddenly found itself terribly shorthanded./ … Dictionary of American idioms
shorthanded — adj Understaffed; short on workers. With several employees gone for the holiday weekend and two dozen people in line, the rent a car agency suddenly found itself terribly shorthanded … Словарь американских идиом
shorthanded — adjective having fewer helpers or workers than you need: We ll be shorthanded next month as five of my staff will be on holiday … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
shorthanded — /ˌʃɔ:t hændɪd/ adjective without enough staff ● We’re rather shorthanded at the moment … Marketing dictionary in english
shorthanded — adjective Date: 1794 having, working with, or done with fewer than the regular or necessary number of people … New Collegiate Dictionary
shorthanded — Synonyms and related words: bare handed, beggarly, empty handed, famished, half starved, ill off, ill equipped, ill furnished, ill provided, impoverished, on short commons, pauperized, poor, short, starved, starveling, starving, underfed,… … Moby Thesaurus
shorthanded — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. understaffed, short. See insufficiency. II (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Lacking the requisite workers or players: undermanned. See EXCESS … English dictionary for students
shorthanded — short|hand|ed [ˌʃo:tˈhændıd US ˌʃo:rt ] adj having fewer helpers or workers than you need = ↑short staffed … Dictionary of contemporary English