shit disturber

shit disturber
a) A person who causes needless difficulties or distress for others; a troublemaker.

"To be a fan of Gonzales is to be disappointed often," he says. "Its to be someone who maybe loves the piano album and then goes to a show and is like ‘Why is this guy spitting on us? Why is this guy climbing all over us?’" . . . . "I just have a complicated personality," he adds. "Im a shit disturber."

b) A person who voices or encourages a viewpoint opposed to the status quo; an iconoclast.

The band’s leader, Joe “Shithead” Keithley, shows no signs of slowing down. . . . He’s still an unapologetic shit-disturber, but it’s evident that the veteran antiauthoritarian is turning into something akin to (gasp!) a respected authority figure.

Syn: shit stirrer

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