combinational logic

combinational logic
Said of a digital circuit block: that the current outputs are entirely a function of the current inputs, without having a memory a previous inputs or states.

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  • Combinational logic — Not to be confused with combinatory logic, a topic in mathematical logic. In digital circuit theory, combinational logic (sometimes also referred to as combinatorial logic) is a type of digital logic which is implemented by boolean circuits,… …   Wikipedia

  • combinational logic — kombinatorinė logika statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. combinational logic; combinatory logic; combinatorial logic vok. kombinatorische Logik, f; Schaltlogik, f rus. комбинаторная логика, f pranc. logique combinatoire, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

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  • Logic gate — A logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function, that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output. Depending on the context, the term may refer to an ideal… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic synthesis — is a process by which an abstract form of desired circuit behavior (typically register transfer level (RTL) or behavioral) is turned into a design implementation in terms of logic gates. Common examples of this process include synthesis of HDLs,… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic level — In digital circuits, a logic level is one of a finite number of states that a signal can have. Logic levels are usually represented by the voltage difference between the signal and ground (or some other common reference point), although other… …   Wikipedia

  • Category:Logic in computer science — Logic in computer science is that branch of mathematical logic which is approximately the intersection between mathematical logic and computer science. It contains: Those investigations into logic that are guided by applications in computer… …   Wikipedia

  • Programmable Array Logic — The term Programmable Array Logic (PAL) is used to describe a family of programmable logic device semiconductors used to implement logic functions in digital circuits introduced by Monolithic Memories, Inc. (MMI) in March 1978.cite journal |… …   Wikipedia

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