- drop a dime
To make a phone call, usually means calling the police to report anothers activities.
He was in the back for a few minutes. Turned out he was dropping a dime on Ralph.
Wikipedia foundation.
He was in the back for a few minutes. Turned out he was dropping a dime on Ralph.
Wikipedia foundation.
drop a dime — (USA) If you drop a dime, you inform the police about someone s illegal activities … The small dictionary of idiomes
drop a dime — tv. to inform the police of criminal activity. (Underworld. See explanation at dime dropper.) □ We were pretty sure that Tracy is the one who dropped the dime. □ No, almost anybody will drop a dime these days … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
drop a dime on — drop a (or the) dime on informal inform on (someone) to the police … Useful english dictionary
drop a dime — vp To inform or tattle. Man, he dropped the dime on Tommy. 1960s … Historical dictionary of American slang
drop a dime on someone — drop a (or the) dime on someone informal inform on someone … Useful english dictionary
drop a dime — phrasal to inform authorities (as police) of another s wrongdoing … New Collegiate Dictionary
drop a dime — make a call using a public telephone; turn someone into the police, inform the police about a crime … English contemporary dictionary
drop a dime — phrasal : to call and inform authorities (as police) of another s wrongdoing … Useful english dictionary
Dime (slang) — Dime is a term with multiple slang meanings. Its formal etymology is Middle English, tenth part, tithe, from Anglo French disme, dime , from Latin decima , from feminine of decimus tenth, from decem ten. Its slang uses have been related to the… … Wikipedia
dime-dropper — n. an informer. (Underworld. Because an informer at one time could drop a dime in a public telephone and call the police or drop a dime on the sidewalk as a signal for the police to move in and make an arrest. See also drop a dime.) □ I think… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions