- sit through
We had to sit through a 2-hour awards ceremony before the food arrived.
Wikipedia foundation.
We had to sit through a 2-hour awards ceremony before the food arrived.
Wikipedia foundation.
sit through — (something) to stay until the end of something. It s hard for little kids to sit through a whole baseball game. Usage notes: often said about something you do not enjoy: We had to sit through another boring lecture … New idioms dictionary
sit through — transitive verb : to watch or listen to without enjoyment : sit out conscientiously sitting through the movies which it is one of his official duties to censor Edmund Wilson * * * ˈsit through [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they sit through … Useful english dictionary
sit through — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms sit through : present tense I/you/we/they sit through he/she/it sits through present participle sitting through past tense sat through past participle sat through sit through something to stay until the end of … English dictionary
sit through — PHRASAL VERB If you sit through something such as a film, lecture, or meeting, you stay until it is finished although you are not enjoying it. [V P n] ...movies so bad you can hardly bear to sit through them … English dictionary
sit through — {v.} To watch or listen until (something) is finished. * /The show was so boring that we could hardly sit through the first act./ * /Elaine liked the movie so much that she sat through three showings./ … Dictionary of American idioms
sit through — {v.} To watch or listen until (something) is finished. * /The show was so boring that we could hardly sit through the first act./ * /Elaine liked the movie so much that she sat through three showings./ … Dictionary of American idioms
sit\ through — v To watch or listen until (smth) is finished. The show was so boring that we could hardly sit through the first act. Elaine liked the movie so much that she sat through three showings … Словарь американских идиом
sit through something — sit through (something) to stay until the end of something. It s hard for little kids to sit through a whole baseball game. Usage notes: often said about something you do not enjoy: We had to sit through another boring lecture … New idioms dictionary
sit through something — ˈsit through sth derived to stay until the end of a performance, speech, meeting, etc. that you think is boring or too long • We had to sit through nearly two hours of speeches. Main entry: ↑sitderived … Useful english dictionary
ˈsit through sth — phrasal verb to stay until the end of something, especially if you are not enjoying it If I have to sit through one more boring meeting, I think I ll scream.[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English