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Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies — AbBox Antigen = saccharomyces cerevisiae OneIsoform = yes OneIsoformSpecialName = Mannins OneSource = Saccharomyces cerevisiae OneGene = OneOrgan = Large Intestine OneTissue = Epithelium OneCell = OneAlso = OneDisease = Colitis OneIgClass =… … Wikipedia
adseverin — Actin regulating protein (74 kD) isolated from adrenal medulla. Has severing, nucleating and capping activities similar to those of gelsolin, but does not crossreact immunologically. Has phospholipid binding domain and its properties are… … Dictionary of molecular biology
crossreactive — adjective Describing a reaction between an antigen and an antibody that was formed to counteract a different (often similar) antigen See Also: crossreact, crossreaction, cross reaction … Wiktionary