dichotomous key — n a key for the identification of organisms based on a series of choices between alternative characters … Medical dictionary
dichotomous key — noun Date: circa 1889 a key for the identification of organisms based on a series of choices between alternative characters … New Collegiate Dictionary
dichotomous key — an identification key using a series of alternative choices, each pair forming a couplet, that eventually lead to a species identity; the usual form of keys for fish identification … Dictionary of ichthyology
dichotomous key — Structured system of deducing the correct species assignment among a number of related species, also known as a diagnostic or taxonomic key … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
dichotomous key — noun biology : a key to classification based on a choice between two alternative characters … Useful english dictionary
key — See dichotomous key … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
key — n. [ME. key] A tabulation of diagnostic characters of organisms most often in dichotomous couplets facilitating rapid identification … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Single-access key — A key in Biology is a modeling method used for categorizing species using logical choices. A single access key (Dichotomous key also called sequential key , analytical key [1], or pathway key ) is a key where the sequence and structure of… … Wikipedia
identification key — a tabulation of characters used to identify a species. Two rubrics form a couplet, the usual arrangement of keys. Each couplet gives an alternative set of characters leading to the species identity or to the next couplet. Artificial key, q.v.,… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Multi-entry key — In biology or medicine, a multi entry key is an identification key that allows the free choice of characters only in the first step. Whereas in a typical multi access key the choice of characters used for identification can be repeated multiple… … Wikipedia