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  • Kynge — This interesting surname is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is the diminutive form of the nickname surname King used to refer to someone who conducted himself in a kingly manner, or a person who played the part of a King in a pageant, or to one who… …   Surnames reference

  • James Kynge — James Kynge, a recipient of several journalism awards, was the China Bureau Chief for the Financial Times for seven years. He has written a book called China Shakes The World: A Titan s Rise and Troubled Future and the Challenge for America , in… …   Wikipedia

  • John Bale — For the American baseball player use John Bale (baseball) John Bale (21 November, 1495 ndash;November, 1563) was an English churchman, historian and controversialist, and Bishop of Ossory. He wrote the oldest known historical verse drama in… …   Wikipedia

  • James I of Scotland — James I King of Scots Reign 4 April 1406 – 21 February 1437 Coronation 21 May 1424 Predecessor …   Wikipedia

  • John Skelton — John Skelton, also known as John Shelton (c. 1460 ndash; June 21, 1529), English poet, was born at Diss in Norfolk. EducationHe is said to have been educated at Oxford. He certainly studied at Cambridge, and he is probably the one Scheklton… …   Wikipedia

  • Edmund I of England — Infobox British Royalty|Monarch name=Edmund I title=King of England rank=10th reign=October 27,939 ndash; May 26,946 predecessor=Athelstan successor=Edred date of birth=921 place of birth= Wessex, England date of death=death date|946|5|26|mf=y… …   Wikipedia

  • Agincourt Carol — Facsimile of the Oxford version of the Agincourt Carol (15th century). Oxford, Bodleian Library, Manuscript Archives. The Agincourt Carol (sometimes known as the Agincourt Song, the Agincourt Hymn, or by its chorus and central words, Deo gratias… …   Wikipedia

  • Le Morte d'Arthur — Détail de Le dernier sommeil d Arthur, peinture de Edward Burne Jones Le Morte d Arthur (s écrivant Le Morte Darthur, sans apostrophe, pour la première édition et pour certaines éditions modernes), qui signifie « la mort d Arthur » en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Смерть Артура — «Смерть Артура» (среднефранц. Le Morte D arthur)  рыцарский роман Томаса Мэлори, итоговое произведение артуровского цикла. Король Артур …   Википедия

  • Agincourt Carol — Для улучшения этой статьи желательно?: Дополнить статью (статья слишком короткая либо содержит лишь словарное определение). Викифицировать статью. Найти и оформить в вид …   Википедия

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