merchant bank

merchant bank
A bank which provides financial services for businesses.

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  • merchant bank — noun count a bank that provides financial services to companies, not people ╾ ,merchant banker noun count ╾ ,merchant banking noun uncount …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • merchant bank — n a bank that provides services for businesses >merchant banker n …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • merchant bank — merchant banks N COUNT A merchant bank is a bank that deals mainly with firms, investment, and foreign trade, rather than with the public. [mainly BRIT; also AM, TECHNICAL] …   English dictionary

  • merchant bank — /mertʃanˈbank, ingl. ˈmYːtʃən(t)b()k/ [loc. ingl., propr. «banca mercantile»] loc. sost. f. inv. banca d affari …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • merchant bank — ► NOUN chiefly Brit. ▪ a bank dealing in commercial loans and investment …   English terms dictionary

  • Merchant bank — Banking A series on Financial services …   Wikipedia

  • Merchant bank — A British term for a bank that specializes not in lending out its own funds, but in providing various financial services such as accepting bills arising out of trade, underwriting new issues, and providing advice on acquisitions, mergers, foreign …   Financial and business terms

  • merchant bank — A British term for a bank that specializes not in lending out its own funds, but in providing various financial services such as accepting bills arising out of trade, underwriting new issues, and providing advice on acquisitions, mergers, foreign …   Financial and business terms

  • merchant bank */ — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms merchant bank : singular merchant bank plural merchant banks British a bank that provides financial services to companies, not people Derived words: merchant banker noun countable Word forms merchant banker :… …   English dictionary

  • Merchant Bank — Der Begriff Merchant Banking (oder auch Merchant Bank), eine aus dem Englischen kommende Bezeichnung, beschreibt den Unternehmensbereich von Kreditinstituten, der sich mit der Finanzberatung speziell von Firmenkunden beschäftigt[1]. Andere… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • merchant bank — {{#}}{{LM M25585}}{{〓}} {{[}}merchant bank{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} (también {{◎}}merchant{{ ̄}}) {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} → {{↑}}banco de negocios{{↓}}. {{★}}{{\}}PRONUNCIACIÓN:{{/}} [mérchant bank], con ch suave. {{★}}{{\}}ORTOGRAFÍA:{{/}} Por ser un… …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

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