head start

head start
a) An advantage given (or taken), for example, prior to the beginning of a race.

Fred gave his younger brother a five minute head start in the Easter egg hunt.

b) A factor conducive to superiority and success

I want to set off at dawn to get a head start over the competition.

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  • Head Start — war/ist ein Programm für kompensatorische Erziehung in den USA. Es sollte vor allem die Bildungschancen für Kinder aus sozial schwachen Familien verbessern und ihre Resilienz steigern. Head Start wurde 1965 im Rahmen des „Krieges gegen die Armut“ …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • head start — UK US noun [S] ► an advantage that a person or company has compared to other people or companies: »Larger banks have more capital and thus a big head start. »a significant/huge/massive head start a head start on sb/sth »India has a head start on… …   Financial and business terms

  • Head Start — est un programme du Département de la Santé, de l éducation et des services sociaux des États Unis qui fournit une éducation complète, des services d implication parentale, de santé, de nutrition, aux enfants à faibles revenus et à leurs familles …   Wikipédia en Français

  • head start — head starts also head start N COUNT: usu sing, oft N on/over n If you have a head start on other people, you have an advantage over them in something such as a competition or race. Hungarian businessmen have had a head start over most of their… …   English dictionary

  • head start — n 1.) an advantage that helps you to be successful give sb/get/have a head start ▪ Give your children a head start by sending them to nursery school. 2.) a start in a race in which you begin earlier or further ahead than someone else …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • head start — noun count 1. ) an advantage over other people in the same situation as you, especially in a competition: The reading program is designed to give young children a head start. 2. ) a situation in which you start a race before your opponent or from …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • head start — head′ start′ n. 1) spo an advantage given or acquired in any competition, endeavor, etc., as allowing one or more competitors in a race to start before the others 2) a productive beginning: I ll get a head start on the paperwork this weekend[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • head start — n. an early start or other advantage given to or taken by a contestant or competitor …   English World dictionary

  • head start — index advantage, edge (advantage) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Head Start — For the Australian television series, see Head Start (TV series) Head Start is a program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low …   Wikipedia

  • head start — noun the advantage gained by beginning early (as in a race) (Freq. 1) with an hour s start he will be hard to catch • Syn: ↑start • Hypernyms: ↑advantage, ↑vantage * * * head start …   Useful english dictionary

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