- US pint
A unit of volume used for liquids, equivalent to 16 fluid ounces. This is in contrast to the imperial pint (UK) which is equivalent to 20 fluid ounces. Thus the US pint is about 20% smaller than the imperial pint.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Pint — 〈[ paınt] n.; s, od. s; Abk.: pt〉 engl. u. nordamerikan. Flüssigkeitsmaß, 0,5 l ● ein Pint Cider bestellen [→ Pinte] * * * 1Pint [pa̮int ], das; s, s [engl. pint < (a)frz. pinte < mlat. pin(c)ta, zu lat. pictum, 2. Part. von: pingere =… … Universal-Lexikon
pint — S2 [paınt] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: pinte, from Medieval Latin pincta, from Latin, past participle of pingere to paint ; probably because a mark was painted on a bottle to show how much it contained] 1.) written abbreviation pt a … Dictionary of contemporary English
Pint — Glas (Großbritannien) mit Bier. Die Pinte (bzw. das Pint, cf. französisch la pinte) ist ein altes Raummaß sowohl für Flüssigkeiten als auch – besonders im angelsächsischen Raum – für Trockenmaße. Sie entspricht in den alten Maßsystemen zumeist –… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pint — [pīnt] n. [ME pynte < MFr pinte < ML pinta, prob. < VL * pincta, for L picta, fem. pp. of pingere, to PAINT: orig. prob. a spot marking the level in a measure] 1. a) a unit of liquid measure, equal to 1/ 2 of a liquid quart or 16 fluid… … English World dictionary
Pint On Punt — (Мельбурн,Австралия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 42 Punt Road, 3181 Мельбурн, Австралия … Каталог отелей
Pint — Pint, n. [OE. pinte, F. pinte, fr. Sp. pinta spot, mark, pint, fr. pintar to paint; a mark for a pint prob. having been made on or in a larger measure. See {Paint}.] A measure of capacity, equal to half a quart, or four gills, used in liquid and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pint — [ paınt ] noun count * 1. ) a unit for measuring liquid. In the U.K. a pint is equal to 0.57 liters and in the U.S. it is equal to 0.48 liters: two pints of milk 2. ) BRITISH INFORMAL a pint of beer pull pints to work in a bar serving drinks … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pint-size or pint-sized — pint ,size or pint sized [ paınt ,saızd ] adjective INFORMAL very small … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pint — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. pinte (13c.), from V.L. *pincta (Cf. O.Prov., Sp., It. pinta), perhaps ultimately from L. picta painted, fem. pp. of pingere (see PAINT (Cf. paint)), on notion of a painted mark on a vessel indicating this measure. Used … Etymology dictionary
pint-size — ☆ pint size [pīnt′sīz΄] adj. small; tiny: also pint sized … English World dictionary
pint-pot — pintˈ pot noun 1. A pot for holding a pint, esp a pewter pot for beer 2. A seller or drinker of beer • • • Main Entry: ↑pint … Useful english dictionary