
Resembling molasses in any of various respects, such as consistency, flavor, or color

The vessel was filled with a thick, molasseslike fluid.

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  • Peru balsam — a dark, molasseslike, aromatic, water insoluble liquid having a warm, bitter taste, obtained from the leguminous tree, Myroxylon pereirae, of Central America: used in medicine, perfumery, and in the manufacture of chocolate. Also called balsam of …   Universalium

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  • peru balsam — noun Usage: usually capitalized P : balsam of peru * * * a dark, molasseslike, aromatic, water insoluble liquid having a warm, bitter taste, obtained from the leguminous tree, Myroxylon pereirae, of Central America: used in medicine, perfumery,… …   Useful english dictionary

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