- Australianise
- verb /ɒˈstreɪljənaɪz/a) To make Australian as to custom, culture, or style.b) To localise a medium for sale or use in Australa.See Also: Australianisation, Australianiser
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Australianise — [c]/əsˈtreɪljənaɪz/ (say uhs traylyuhnuyz), /ɒs / (say os ) verb (Australianised, Australianising) –verb (t) 1. to make Australian in character; assimilate to the customs and institutions of Australia. –verb (i) 2. to become Australian in… …
Chrysler Centura — Chrysler KC Centura Manufacturer Chrysler Australia … Wikipedia
Australianize — /aw strayl yeuh nuyz /, v.t., v.i., Australianized, Australianizing. to make or become Australian in speech, manners, practices, etc. Also, esp. Brit., Australianise. [1880 85; AUSTRALIAN + IZE] * * * … Universalium
ockerise — /ˈɒkəraɪz/ (say okuhruyz) verb (ockerised, ockerising) Colloquial –verb (i) 1. to behave in the fashion of an ocker. –verb (t) 2. to Australianise: to ockerise your accent. Also, ockerize. –ockerised, adjective –ockerisation, noun …