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siren — sirenlike, adj. /suy reuhn/, n. 1. Class. Myth. one of several sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, who lure mariners to destruction by their seductive singing. 2. a seductively beautiful or charming woman, esp. one who beguiles men: a siren of… … Universalium
Maggie Cassidy — by Jack Kerouac (1959) This novel might not get the respect it deserves because its subject matter is so different from jack kerouac’s more famous novels and its style comparatively conventional. Still, its frank handling of delicate emotional … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Iara — (EE yara) Variations: Mboiacu An iara is a vampiric spirit or VAMPIRIC WITCH from Brazil, depending on the way it died. If a person dies violently, or before his time, or outside the Catholic Church, or if a body is not given a proper Catholic… … Encyclopedia of vampire mythology
si|ren|ic — «sy REHN ihk», adjective. 1. seductive; alluring; sirenlike. 2. = melodious. (Cf. ↑melodious) … Useful english dictionary