- ablastin
An immunoglobulin G antibody efficient against some protozoans, specifically Trypanosoma lewisi.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
ablastin — An antibody that seems to inhibit reproduction of trypanosomes; found in rats infected with Trypanosoma lewisi. [G. a priv. + blastos, germ] * * * ablas·tin ə blas tən, ā n an antibody in the blood of infected animals that inhibits the… … Medical dictionary
ablastin — ablas·tin … English syllables
ablastin — əˈblastə̇n, (ˈ)āˈ noun ( s) Etymology: Greek ablastos not germinating + English in : a substance in the blood of infected animals that inhibits the reproduction of the infecting organism … Useful english dictionary
ablastine — [ ablastin ] n. f. • 1970; de 2. a , blast(o) et ine ♦ Biol. Anticorps empêchant la reproduction de cellules bactériennes infectieuses. ablastine [ablastin] n. f. ÉTYM. XXe; 1970, in Manuila; de 2. a , blasto , et ine. ❖ … Encyclopédie Universelle