silly mid on
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silly mid off — noun a fielding position, on the off side, forward of the batsmans wicket, and very near the batsman; a fielder in this position … Wiktionary
silly — ► ADJECTIVE (sillier, silliest) 1) lacking in common sense or judgement; foolish. 2) trivial or frivolous. 3) Cricket denoting fielding positions very close to the batsman: silly mid on. ► NOUN (pl. sillies) informal ▪ … English terms dictionary
silly — /ˈsɪli / (say silee) adjective (sillier, silliest) 1. lacking good sense; foolish; stupid. 2. absurd or ridiculous. 3. Cricket (of a fielding position) close in to the batsman s wicket: silly mid off. 4. Colloquial (euphemistic) ineffectual;… …
silly — sillily, adv. silliness, n. /sil ee/, adj., sillier, silliest, n., pl. sillies. adj. 1. weak minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish: a silly writer. 2. absurd; ridiculous; irrational: a silly idea. 3. stunned; dazed: He knocked me silly … Universalium
silly — adjective (sillier, silliest) 1》 lacking in common sense or judgement; foolish. 2》 trivial or frivolous. 3》 archaic helpless; defenceless. 4》 Cricket denoting fielding positions very close to the batsman: silly mid on. noun (plural sillies)… … English new terms dictionary
silly — adj. & n. adj. (sillier, silliest) 1 lacking sense; foolish, imprudent, unwise. 2 weak minded. 3 Cricket (of a fielder or position) very close to the batsman (silly mid off). 4 archaic innocent, simple, helpless. n. (pl. ies) colloq. a foolish… … Useful english dictionary
Silly String — Young girls playing with Silly String Silly String (generically known as aerosol string) is a children s toy of flexible, sometimes brightly colored, plastic string propelled as a stream of liquid from an aerosol can. The solvent in the string… … Wikipedia
Silly season — The silly season is the period lasting for a few months (starting in mid to late summer) in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and Australia typified by the emergence of frivolous news stories in the media. This… … Wikipedia
silly season — /ˈsɪli sizən/ (say silee seezuhn) noun 1. the time of the year, especially the end of year break, when regular and serious activities have ceased and newspapers, broadcasts, etc., contain more frivolous material than usual: *This is supposed to… …
sillily — silly ► ADJECTIVE (sillier, silliest) 1) lacking in common sense or judgement; foolish. 2) trivial or frivolous. 3) Cricket denoting fielding positions very close to the batsman: silly mid on. ► NOUN (pl. sillies) informal ▪ … English terms dictionary