- cottonseed meal
The residue of ground cottonseed after extraction of cottonseed oil; used as a constituent of oilseed cake
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Cottonseed meal — A meal made from hulled cotton seeds after the oil has been expressed. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cottonseed meal — is the byproduct remaining after cotton is ginned and the seeds crushed and the oil extracted. The remaining meal is usually used for animal feed and in organic fertilizers.[1] However, the meal can be fed only to adult ruminants because it… … Wikipedia
cottonseed meal — ☆ cottonseed meal n. hulled cottonseed ground up after the oil has been removed, used as fertilizer and fodder … English World dictionary
cottonseed meal — noun : a meal high in protein obtained in the production of cottonseed oil usually by grinding cottonseed cake and used as a feed for livestock and as a fertilizer * * * cotton cake when pulverized. [1855 60, Amer.] * * * cottonseed meal,… … Useful english dictionary
cottonseed meal — cotton cake when pulverized. [1855 60, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
cottonseed meal — /kɒtnsid ˈmil/ (say kotnseed meel) noun → cotton cake …
cottonseed — /kot n seed /, n., pl. cottonseeds, (esp. collectively) cottonseed. the seed of the cotton plant, yielding an oil. [1785 95; COTTON + SEED] * * * ▪ seed seed of the cotton plant, important commercially for its oil and other products.… … Universalium
meal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. repast, refection; breakfast, dinner, lunch, etc.; powder, grits. Slang, feed, eats. See food, powderiness. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Ground feed] Syn. bran, farina, grits, groats, fodder, provender,… … English dictionary for students
cottonseed feed — noun : a mixture of cottonseed hulls and cottonseed meal containing less than 36 percent protein … Useful english dictionary
coarse meal — мука грубого помола sunflower meal кормовая мука из жмыха семян подсолнечника mollusk meal кормовая мука из отходов обработки моллюсков herring meal кормовая мука из отходов производства сельди cottonseed meal кормовая мука из жмыха семян… … English-Russian travelling dictionary