
Speaking, or spoken, freely, openly, or boldly; vocal.

an outspoken man

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  • Outspoken — Out*spo ken, a. Speaking, or spoken, freely, openly, candidly, or boldly; as, an outspoken man; an outspoken rebuke. {Out*spo ken*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • OutSPOKEN — is a screen reader for computers running Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. First developed and released for Macintosh in the late 1980s, it was ported to Windows and was one of the first screen readers to be released for that platform in the early… …   Wikipedia

  • outspoken — index brazen, candid, clear (apparent), direct (forthright), explicit, express, honest …   Law dictionary

  • outspoken — (adj.) given to speaking freely, 1808, originally Scottish, from OUT (Cf. out) + past tense of SPEAK (Cf. speak) (q.v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • outspoken — [adj] explicit, unreserved abrupt, artless, blunt, calling spade a spade*, candid, direct, forthright, frank, free, laying it on the line*, open, plain, plain spoken, point blank*, round, square, straightforward, strident, talking turkey*,… …   New thesaurus

  • outspoken — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ frank in stating one s opinions. DERIVATIVES outspokenness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • outspoken — [out΄spō′kən, out′spō΄kən] adj. 1. unrestrained in speech; frank 2. spoken boldly or candidly SYN. FRANK1 outspokenly adv. outspokenness n …   English World dictionary

  • outspoken — adj. outspoken in (outspoken in their opposition to new taxes) * * * [aʊt spəʊkən] outspoken in (outspoken in their opposition to new taxes) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • outspoken — [[t]a͟ʊtspo͟ʊkən[/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone who is outspoken gives their opinions about things openly and honestly, even if they are likely to shock or offend people. Some church leaders have been outspoken in their support for political reform in… …   English dictionary

  • outspoken — /ˈaʊtspoʊkən / (say owtspohkuhn) adjective 1. uttered or expressed with frankness or lack of reserve: outspoken criticism. 2. free or unreserved in speech: outspoken people; *Gertrude was a Mosman woman, and, as time passed, an outspoken critic… …  

  • outspoken — adjective Date: circa 1808 1. direct and open in speech or expression ; frank < outspoken in his criticism Current Biography > 2. spoken or expressed without reserve < his outspoken advocacy of gun control > • outspokenly adverb • outspokenness …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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