time out

time out
a) To call for a time-out.
b) To call for a suspension of activity or conversation.
2. verb
a) to end (an incomplete task) after a time limit
b) of a task, to be terminated because it was not completed before a time limit

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  • Time Out — is a publishing company based in London, England. The company s best known product is the Time Out weekly listings magazine. The original magazine, with listings for London, was published in 1968 by Tony Elliott. The first issues had a print run… …   Wikipedia

  • time out — {n. phr.} Time during which a game, a lecture, a discussion or other activity is stopped for a while for some extra questions or informal discussion, or some other reason. * /He took a time out from studying to go to a movie./ * /The player… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • time out — {n. phr.} Time during which a game, a lecture, a discussion or other activity is stopped for a while for some extra questions or informal discussion, or some other reason. * /He took a time out from studying to go to a movie./ * /The player… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Time Out NY — Time Out New York  Time Out New York {{{nomorigine}}} Pays …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Time Out — Álbum de Dave Brubeck Quartet Publicación 1959 Género(s) West Coast jazz Duración 38:21 Discográfica …   Wikipedia Español

  • Time-out — 〈[taımaʊt] n. 15; Sp.〉 Auszeit, kurze Spielunterbrechung [engl.] * * * Time out [ ta̮im|a̮ut, auch: ( )ta̮im |a̮ut ], das; [s] s [engl. time out, zu: out = aus] (Basketball, Volleyball): Auszeit. * * * Time out [ taɪm aʊt], das; [s], s [engl.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Time Out — Studioalbum von Dave Brubeck Veröffentlichung 1959 Label Columbia Records Format …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • time out — time outs also time out 1) N VAR In basketball, American football, ice hockey, and some other sports, when a team calls a time out, they call a stop to the game for a few minutes in order to rest and discuss how they are going to play. 2) N… …   English dictionary

  • time out — n 1.) take time out (to do sth) informal to rest or do something different from your usual job or activities ▪ In between jobs, Liz always took time out to return to her first love travelling. 2.) [U and C] a short break during a sports match… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • time out — noun 1. ) count a short period of time in a game of basketball or ICE HOCKEY when players rest and plan their game 2. ) uncount a period of time when you stop what you usually do and rest or do something else instead: take time out: It s very… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Time-out — [ taim aut] das; [s], s <aus gleichbed. engl. time out, zu time »Zeit« u. out »aus«> Auszeit; Spielunterbrechung, die einer Mannschaft nach bestimmten Regeln zusteht (Basketball, Volleyball) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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