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Hinduism — /hin dooh iz euhm/, n. the common religion of India, based upon the religion of the original Aryan settlers as expounded and evolved in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, etc., having an extremely diversified character with many… … Universalium
lifehack — n. A tool or technique that makes some aspect of one s life easier or more efficient. Also: life hack. lifehacker, life hacker n. lifehacking, life hacking pp. Example Citations: O Brien summed up his research in a speech called Life Hacks, which … New words
brah|ma|char|ya — «BRAH muh CHAHR yuh», noun. (in Brahmanism) monklike abstinence or celibacy. ╂[< Sanskrit brahmacárya < bráhman prayer + carya conduct] … Useful english dictionary