Horsy — Hors y, a. Pertaining to, or suggestive of, a horse, or of horse racing; as, horsy manners; garments of fantastically horsy fashions. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
horsy — 1590s, from HORSE (Cf. horse) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Horsiness … Etymology dictionary
horsy — [hôr′sē] adj. horsier, horsiest 1. of, like, or suggesting a horse; esp., having large features and a big body that looks strong but awkward 2. a) connected with or fond of horses, fox hunting, or horse racing b) having the manners, attitudes,… … English World dictionary
horsy — horsiness, n. /hawr see/, adj., horsier, horsiest. 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a horse. 2. dealing with or interested in horses, horseback riding, fox hunting, horse racing, etc.: the horsy set in local society. 3. rather heavy and … Universalium
horsy — horsey UK [ˈhɔː(r)sɪ] / US [ˈhɔrsɪ] or horsy UK / US adjective Word forms horsey : adjective horsey comparative horsier superlative horsiest informal 1) like a horse in some way 2) British enthusiastic about horses and sports involving horses … English dictionary
horsy — /ˈhɔsi / (say hawsee) adjective (horsier, horsiest) 1. relating to, characteristic of, or of the nature of a horse or horses: horsy talk. 2. (of a person) dealing with, interested in, or devoted to horses, horseracing, etc. 3. Colloquial (of a… …
horsy — adjective see horsey … New Collegiate Dictionary
horsy — Synonyms and related words: asinine, bovid, bovine, caprid, caprine, cowish, cowlike, deerlike, equestrian, equine, goatish, goatlike, hircine, hoggish, hoofed, mulish, ovine, piggish, ruminant, sheepish, sheeplike, swinish, ungulate … Moby Thesaurus
horsy — see horsey … English dictionary
horsy — hors·y || hÉ”rsɪ / hÉ”Ës adj. of horses; of matters which pertain to horses (i.e. horseback riding, racing, etc.); resembling a horse, large and awkward (also spelled horsey) … English contemporary dictionary