
A set of eight like or identical things.

It was an understood thing in our squadron that no one was on any account to bring the Baron down any account to bring the Baron down, but some of our pilots had come close enough to see his beetling brows and purple cheeks reflected in octuplicate.

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  • octuplicate — I. (ˈ)äk|t(y)üplə̇kə̇t, ləˌkāt adjective Etymology: Latin octuplicatus eightfold, from octuplus, after Latin quadruplus quadruple: quadruplicatus (past participle of quadruplicare to quadruple, quadruplicate) : made in eight identical copies :… …   Useful english dictionary

  • octuplicate — n., adj. /ok tooh pli kit, kayt , tyooh , tup li /; v. /ok tooh pli kayt , kit, tyooh , tup li /, n., adj., v., octuplicated, octuplicating. n. 1. a group, series, or set of eight identical copies (usually prec. by in). adj. 2. having or… …   Universalium

  • octuplicate — oc·tu·pli·cate …   English syllables

  • sextuplicate — 1. adjective a) Six times the number, volume, length, et cetera (of something else). The customer ordered a sextuplicate quantity. b) Comprising six identical parts. Benzene is a sextuplicate hydrocarbon. 2. noun A series, set, collection, or… …   Wiktionary

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