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unscripted — [un skrip′tid] adj. 1. not having a prepared script [an unscripted interview show] 2. not in the prepared script [an actor s unscripted fall from the stage] … English World dictionary
Unscripted TV — Unscripted Television is a television genre employing situational comedy storylines, but reality television production techniques. Unscripted Television programs feature structured storylines, but dialogue within scenes is improvised on set… … Wikipedia
unscripted — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ said or delivered without a prepared script; impromptu … English terms dictionary
unscripted — [[t]ʌ̱nskrɪ̱ptɪd[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n An unscripted talk or speech is made without detailed preparation, rather than being read out. ...a witty, chatty and unscripted speech. ...unscripted radio programmes … English dictionary
Unscripted — This article is about the television series, you may have been searching for Ad lib. Unscripted is the name of an HBO television series that was broadcast in early 2005, its title referring to the fact that the series was largely improvised by… … Wikipedia
unscripted — /un skrip tid/, adj. 1. not scripted; lacking a script: an unscripted idea for a movie. 2. Informal. that has not been planned for or anticipated: an unscripted interruption of the speech. [1940 45; UN 1 + SCRIPT + ED2] * * * … Universalium
unscripted — un|script|ed [ˌʌnˈskrıptıd] adj an unscripted broadcast, speech etc is not written or planned before it is made … Dictionary of contemporary English
unscripted — un|script|ed [ ʌn skrıptəd ] adjective unscripted statements or interviews have not been planned or written down … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unscripted — adjective an unscripted broadcast, speech etc is not written or planned before it is actually made … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
unscripted — UK [ʌnˈskrɪptɪd] / US [ʌnˈskrɪptəd] adjective unscripted statements or interviews have not been planned or written down … English dictionary
unscripted — un•script•ed [[t]ʌnˈskrɪp tɪd[/t]] adj. 1) cvb not scripted; lacking or not made into a script: an unscripted idea for a movie[/ex] 2) cvb inf not coming from or as if from a script; unprepared or unplanned for • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang