- dermal
Of or pertaining to skin or integument.
The dermal muscles in the face are used to form expressions.
Wikipedia foundation.
The dermal muscles in the face are used to form expressions.
Wikipedia foundation.
Dermal — Derm al, a. [From {Derm}.] 1. Pertaining to the integument or skin of animals; dermic; as, the dermal secretions. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) Pertaining to the dermis or true skin. || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dermal — (zu gr. derma „Haut“; Synonyme: dermatisch, kutan[1]) ist ein medizinischer Fachbegriff. Das so Bezeichnete ist entweder der Haut zugehörig bzw. aus Anteilen der Haut gebildet oder wird auf bzw. über die Haut angewendet. Siehe auch Perkutan… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dermal — 1803; see DERM (Cf. derm) + AL (Cf. al) (1). A native formation, the Greek adjective would be dermatikos, yielding *dermatic … Etymology dictionary
dermal — [dʉr′məl] adj. of the skin or the dermis … English World dictionary
dermal — der|mal 〈Adj.〉 zur Haut gehörig [zu grch. derma „Haut“] * * * der|mal <Adj.> (Med.): die Haut betreffend, von ihr stammend, an ihr gelegen. * * * dermal, die Haut betreffend, von ihr stammend, an ihr gelegen. * * * der|mal <Adj.>… … Universal-Lexikon
dermal — dermis ► NOUN Anatomy ▪ the thick layer of the skin below the epidermis, consisting of living tissue. DERIVATIVES dermal adjective. ORIGIN Latin, suggested by epidermis … English terms dictionary
Dermal fibroblast — Dermal fibroblasts are cells that live within the dermis layer of skin which are responsible for generating connective tissue and allowing the skin to recover from injury.[1] Using organelles (particularly the rough endoplasmic reticulum), dermal … Wikipedia
Dermal papillae — Dermal papilla labeled at top Papilla of the hand, treated with acetic acid. Magnified 350 tim … Wikipedia
Dermal cylindroma — Classification and external resources Micrograph of a dermal cylindroma. H E stain. ICD O: M … Wikipedia
Dermal dendrocyte hamartoma — is characterized by a rounded, medallion like lesion on the upper trunk in which there is a proliferation of fusiform CD34, factor XIIIa positive cells in the mid and reticular dermis.[1]:613 See also Skin lesion References ^ James, William;… … Wikipedia