- overcapitalize
b) to capitalize a business beyond a sustainable levelSee Also: overcapitalization
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overcapitalize — (Amer.) v. overestimate resources; overvalue; finance excessively (also overcapitalise) … English contemporary dictionary
overcapitalize — [ō΄vərkap′ət l īz΄] vt., vi. overcapitalized, overcapitalizing 1. to capitalize beyond what is warranted by the state of the business, etc.; furnish too much capital for or overestimate the capital value of (a business) 2. to set the nominal… … English World dictionary
overcapitalize — transitive verb Date: 1890 1. to put a nominal value on the capital of (a corporation) higher than actual cost or fair market value 2. to capitalize beyond what the business or the profit making prospects warrant • overcapitalization noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
overcapitalize — overcapitalization, n. /oh veuhr kap i tl uyz /, v.t., overcapitalized, overcapitalizing. 1. to fix the total amount of securities of a corporation in excess of the limits set by law or by sound financial policy. 2. to overestimate the capital… … Universalium
overcapitalize — or overcapitalise verb [usu. as adjective overcapitalized] provide with an excessive amount of capital. ↘overestimate the capital value of (a company) … English new terms dictionary
overcapitalize — also ise BrE (I, T) 1 to supply too much money for a business 2 to put too high a value on a business overcapitalization noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
overcapitalize — o•ver•cap•i•tal•ize [[t]ˌoʊ vərˈkæp ɪ tlˌaɪz[/t]] v. t. ized, iz•ing 1) bus to capitalize in excess of legal limits or sound financial policy 2) bus to overestimate the capital value of (a property or enterprise) • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
overcapitalize — v.tr. (also ise) fix or estimate the capital of (a company etc.) too high … Useful english dictionary
overcapitalized — overcapitalize (Amer.) v. overestimate resources; overvalue; finance excessively (also overcapitalise) … English contemporary dictionary
overcapitalizes — overcapitalize (Amer.) v. overestimate resources; overvalue; finance excessively (also overcapitalise) … English contemporary dictionary