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chemosensitive — Capable of perceiving changes in the chemical composition of the environment, e.g., changes in the oxygen and carbon dioxide content of the blood. * * * che·mo·sen·si·tive (ke″mo senґsĭ tiv) sensitive to changes in chemical composition … Medical dictionary
chemosensitive — chemo·sensitive … English syllables
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Brain tumor — Classification and external resources Brain metastasis in the right cerebral hemisphere from lung cancer shown on T1 weighted magnetic resonance imaging with intravenous contrast … Wikipedia
Control of respiration — Control of ventilation refers to the physiological mechanisms involved in the control of physiologic ventilation. Gas exchange primarily controls the rate of respiration. The most important function of breathing is gas exchange (of oxygen and… … Wikipedia
Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel — Cyclic nucleotide gated (CNG) ion channels are ion channels that function in response to the binding of cyclic nucleotides. CNG channels are nonselective cation channels that are found in the membranes of various types of cells. Signal… … Wikipedia
Pungency — (also called piquancy) is a sharp and biting sensory impression. Food that causes this sensation is often called spicy . Regarding chili peppers, it refers to a scientific equivalent of the Scoville scale of measuring spicyness. Mechanism The… … Wikipedia
Homalonychidae — Homalonychus spec. Systematik Klasse: Spinnentiere (Arachnida) Ordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Homalonychus — Homalonychidae Homalonychus spec. Systematik Klasse: Spinnentiere (Arachnida) O … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kammorgan — Kammorgane eines Skorpions (Hadrurus arizonensis) Das Kammorgan, auch Pecten, im Plural Pectines genannt, ist ein Sinnesorgan, das sich nur bei den Skorpionen findet. Für Skorpione sind taktile Reize sehr bedeutend, die durch Vibrationen des… … Deutsch Wikipedia