military-industrial complex

military-industrial complex
the armed forces of a nation together with the industries that supply their weapons and materiel

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  • military-industrial complex — ☆ military industrial complex [mil′ə ter΄ēin dus′trē əl ] n. [first used by President Eisenhower in his farewell address (1961)] the U.S. military establishment and those industries producing military materiel, viewed as together exerting a… …   English World dictionary

  • Military–industrial complex — President Dwight Eisenhower famously warned the U.S. about the military industrial complex in his farewell address. Military–industrial complex (MIC), or Military–industrial congressional complex[1] (MICC) is a concept commonly used to refer to… …   Wikipedia

  • Military-industrial complex — A military industrial complex (MIC) is a concept commonly used to refer to policy relationships between governments, national armed forces, and industrial support they obtain from the commercial sector in political approval for research,… …   Wikipedia

  • military-industrial complex — /mil i ter ee in dus tree euhl/ a network of a nation s military force together with all of the industries that support it. [1960 65] * * *       network of individuals and institutions involved in the production of weapons and military… …   Universalium

  • military-industrial complex — noun a country s military establishment and the industries that produce arms and other military equipment we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex Dwight David… …   Useful english dictionary

  • military-industrial complex —  The combined influence of military manufacturers and government bureaucracies.  ► President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought,… …   American business jargon

  • military-industrial complex — A term used to describe the alleged dependence of advanced capitalist economies on the marriage of economic and military political objectives during the period of the Cold War. A number of sociological studies of this phenomenon were undertaken,… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • military-industrial complex — noun a country s military establishment and those industries producing arms or other military materials, regarded as a powerful vested interest …   English new terms dictionary

  • military-industrial complex — noun Date: 1961 an informal alliance of the military and related government departments with defense industries that is held to influence government policy …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • military industrial complex — network of business relationships between the U.S. Department of Defense and military contractors (extremely large and influences U.S. Security policies) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Military-digital complex — Cyber warriors, the implementation of thousands of Governmental Cyber Security Specialists displays the prevalence of the Cyber threat which has subsequently led to the Military digital complex. Military digital complex (MDC) is a term used to… …   Wikipedia

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