genuine fake

genuine fake
An imitation of a (usually) valuable object that is so good that it is, to all intents and purposes, identical.

If the experts are baffled by such artifacts, does it follow that the public is being cheated of its art experience when looking at a genuine fake such as a van Meegeren "Vermeer"?

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  • fake — fake1 [fāk] vt., vi. faked, faking [earlier feague, feake, ult. < ? Ger fegen, polish, sweep, in 17th c. thieves slang, to clean out a (victim s) purse] 1. a) to make (something) seem real, satisfactory, etc. by any sort of deception or… …   English World dictionary

  • fake — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not genuine; counterfeit. ► NOUN ▪ a person or thing that is not genuine. ► VERB 1) forge or counterfeit. 2) pretend to feel or suffer from (an emotion or illness). DERIVATIVES faker noun …   English terms dictionary

  • fake — [adj] false, imitation affected, artificial, assumed, bogus, concocted, counterfeit, fabricated, fictitious, forged, fraudulent, invented, make believe, mock, phony, pretended, pseudo*, reproduction, sham, simulated, spurious; concepts 401,582… …   New thesaurus

  • fake — n sham, humbug, counterfeit, imposture, cheat, fraud, deceit, deception fake adj Counterfeit, spurious, bogus, sham, pseudo, pinchbeck, phony Analogous words: fabricated, forged (see MAKE): framed, invented, concocted (see CONTRIVE) Contrasted… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • fake — I noun charlatan, copy, counterfeit copy, emulation, fabrication, facsimile, false representation, falsehood, falsification, feigned copy, forged duplicate, forgery, fraud, fraudulent replica, hoax, imitation, imposter, pretender, quack, replica …   Law dictionary

  • Fake denominations of United States currency — A fake $3 bill distributed by LGBT activists as a Queer Dollar for use in protesting policies of the Salvation Army Fake denominations of United States currency have been created by individuals as practical joke and do not assert that they are… …   Wikipedia

  • fake — [[t]fe͟ɪk[/t]] fakes, faking, faked 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n A fake fur or a fake painting, for example, is a fur or painting that has been made to look valuable or genuine, in order to deceive people. The bank manager is said to have issued fake… …   English dictionary

  • fake — 1. noun 1) the sculpture was a fake Syn: forgery, counterfeit, copy, pirate(d) copy, sham, fraud, hoax, imitation, mock up, dummy, reproduction; informal phony, rip off, knockoff, dupe 2) that doctor is a fake …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • fake — I. transitive verb (faked; faking) Etymology: Middle English Date: 15th century to coil in fakes II. noun Date: 1627 one loop of a coil (as of ship s rope or a fire hose) coiled free for running III. adjective Etymology: origi …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • genuine — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. true, right, real, authentic; sincere, real, unaffected; honest, valid. See goodness, purity, truth. Ant., fake, false. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Real; said of things ] Syn. authentic, true, actual …   English dictionary for students

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